Latest Thought~

Bloodstained is now out on Steam...positive reviews, will wait to see how the reviews go for a week. :ordercourt:
Cheddar seems to have deficit, why they even bother to claim it's real.
Who would put polystyrene in their place?
So many new series that I'm paralyzed for choice. :loseoil:
Supported 君とワンダーランド - reprinting successfully.
Been like tornado with manga releases, so I'm happy. :dthumbup:
Don't know everything about police procedures, but I'll just bullshit from what I know as a layman anyway. :laughpanda:
Claims to have crashed, but I'm playing through it anyway. :fag:
No reason to participate beyond what I've already put in for today. :digoil:
Depression of search engines and social media censorship, keeps drumming like Spanish Death metal band in my head.
It's pretty normal although, so don't worry. Halla-Aho will cheer me up, got to talk with him in Monday's speaker event.
Import everything and let industry sort them all out. :fag:

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