Leifthrasir [LPW #147]

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well if we do have the technologies...to create those virtual effects:akazukin_sweat:
/me raises stealth stats :kurochan_peek:

Does samy prefer adding some milk?:nekopara_greet:

Though he never remembered any lessons taught :akazukin_down:

Riding on you~?:miku_tehee:

J-just virtual? :akazukin_puppyeyes:

/me adds smoke bombs, rope, tasers, snacks, armor, bandages, and dynamite to imouto's bag just in case :alice_blink:

Milk makes it better :nekopara_hug:

Then we just teach it again :rr_evil:

I-I cant go that far :rr_slump:
Nah.. Now that you are here Sam, might just take few hours..

Going to Yokosuka this morning but I'm lazy, haven't even take a bath yet. :chuuni_reality:
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