Like a boss!

sam has still to finish many animes like a boss...

I need to watch Fairy tail like a boss ( already read it)
Hmm fairy tail.. a bit bored with those serials XD
Needs new anime series like a paws :desire:
Well this concludes todays episode of Prox the hentai researcher! :spiraldown:

Good night everyone.. :sleepmoon:

Like a DAWG.. I mean BAWS!
[MENTION=28026]Selvaria Bles[/MENTION] already watched them XD
[MENTION=8332]samyeung46[/MENTION] okies sammy, i reccomend it for you :3 /me hugs sammy
[MENTION=29468]ProXpert[/MENTION] kay good night, sleep tight /me kiss ProXpert's forehead like a paws XD

did you watch high school dxd?

what else is good, trying to think :p

oh yeah the sacred blacksmith

also watch Valkyria chronicles, and xenosaga the animated series. Their awesome.
Those epic.. already watched them :3
Val. Chron hmm.. never watch it yet.
Kay, try to download like a paws XD
Lol.. many of 'em.. like a paws
which one should i play 1st >>? XD
Pfft.. still play val. profile 2 :donefor:

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