LOL.. how many ppl dont have a Facebook.. an whythey dont have it?

i dont have one cause its useless really
and waste of time andall kinda freaks there
I used to visit FB in like, 1 year ago. It gets boring quickly not too long after I created an account there.
I don't have a FB account and never had...well I made a fake one once to try and find an old friend but once I did I justed stayed in contact via regular gmail.

Personally I don't like that fact that during Facebooks court trials it was revealed that one of the companies that has a stake in FB is a subsidiary company of the CIA which culls data from social networking sites.

That mind you is an extreme, on a more day to day basis - its become a way for companies to spy on their employees. Not to mention angry ex's, law enforcement, ect.

What I find shocking is how little people seem to really care about their privacy just doesn't seem important to a lot of people. I think this might have something to do with the youtube and reality television culture thats influenced western culture within the last decade though...

Its like theres this large part of the population craving personal attention and fame at the cost of privacy.

I think facebook will eventually go the way of myspace, its already become too bloated with crap all in the name of the all powerful dollar.

Whats funny is that happened because people bought into it, now people are leaving facebook because of it lol.

Something will come along and replace it and something after that.

Its the rule of internet business, start small - get huge and go bust. Rinse and repeat.

It all ties into this human need for the newest trend and the human need to conform in social situations for a large portion of the population.
I usually just leave my facebook on. Barely even look at it. Random chats with people every so often. Those games take too much time so i stopped playing them >.<
I have facebook! Its great to hold contact with people over years, also if you travel a lot (my brother does that so its great for him)! But I once lost my facebook password, thankfully the facebook staff was so gentle to delete the account, and then I paused from facebook for some month lol because I was to lazy to add all the people again XD
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thankfully the facebook staff was so gentle to delete the account

Facebook will never delete an account, even IF you delete your own account they still store its contents - even though you can't re-activate it later (something that was discovered by privacy groups in Canada). Talk about collecting information.

Scary really...

On a little different note...

Is it just me or does FB seem more popular with females overall then males? I mean by daily usage...seems that way by observing my friends and acquaintances.
Yeah :/ Females seem a lot more active on facebook. As for people actually on fb im not too sure...
Facebook will never delete an account, even IF you delete your own account they still store its contents - even though you can't re-activate it later (something that was discovered by privacy groups in Canada). Talk about collecting information.

Scary really...

Uh I didn't knew that... kind of creepy yes... : /
Facebook is worthless without Zynga! that's the most major reason people registering themselves to Facebook
Not me, though. The reason why I 1st registered FB was to get in touch with my schoolmates.
Didn't get in touch with them since 1996(I finished schooling) until 2009(registered FB).
After for a while, it just SOP then. I only check FB when I got message from my email, or my airsoft dealers got new stuff in store.
I don't have a FaceBook, because I don't believe in social media. There's no such thing, in this modern world where we all are becomming increasingly isolated. We like to pretend that these sites make us closer, when infact they are pusing us farther appart. My mother actually has a account, and when she logs in she just looks at pictures. I find that sort of that what people do? Look at pictures and comment? That's not friends, it's a sort of vanity.
The whole liking thing is stupid. People post some really stupid shit, or, worse, they'll spoil a TV show or movie with pictures, or what happened.

It's pointless. If I want to talk to people, there are instant messengers and phones. I don't need a place like Facebook. It's just a site for kids to express themselves. Blogs take too much effort, so they take their unoriginal and boring 'thoughts' to Facebook.
But it good for finding long lost friend(s), from my experience.
Well in my case, I have 1 account FB. I thought I could communicate with my long-distance friends. After send a few post to them, no one even reply it (for 6 month)...... After that I just delete my account. That's it, end of story (V_V)
I don't have Facebook,because in China we can't be able to open the page of facebook,the same as youtube
I have an account merely to stop people from bothering me to get an account. I don't use it nor post anything on it. Why? Because I don't like the fact that its the best illustration of why the masses are just a bunch of retards. There are hundreds upon hundreds of easy to understand articles in various media forms about privacy breaches, the founder being an asshole, dumbasses, etc.

Also, the same with twitter, I don't bloody care what you're doing every 30 seconds in your day, and neither should other people really, SURELY the ones reading have a bit more of a life than reading play-by-plays of other people's lives. AND how people compete over the most dumbassed things, like how many 'freinds' they have that they never talk to.

I have a whole slew of other reasons I hate facebook, but the words aren't coming to mind, and they veer slightly off tangent anyways because it relates to pop culture in general :X
well at start i didn't interested to know what in facebook. i make one since a lot of important stuff happen without me knowing. i was like " wait-,what? i don't know about this" the other person tell me "everyone already know it""where did the info came from?" "well it's announced in facebook" ".......". same goes too twitter,so more like i don't have choice but to adapt to my surrounding...

Family Guy; always has answers for everything.
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I don't have a facebook account but most of my friends have . I think facebook is quite good but to waste time for it i don't like. I like the thing what help me to earn money:P
hmm..some other reason also is:

- Some people dont know how to use pc
- those people who's age is 60 above.They think they are too old for that.

LOL ... now now youngster ... not all of us "old farts" think like that

as for me ... I have never had an account with any of those sites ... I dont facebook, myspace, twitter/tweet, etc ... none of them ... never have

besides the fact that all of them ARE stalker paradises ... and the NSA loves to use them to keep an eye on us ... quite simply ... I have an IQ higher than a snail, and I have a life ... so I dont have to care if someone on the other side of the country or world "likes" what I just posted about from moment to moment

any actual "real" friends I have know how to get hold of me if they want to chat ... I have been an "IM" and "chat room" user since the mid 1990's ............ and a "telephone" user since the mid 1960's :P
I used to not have Facebook, I deleted my original account on the same day as The Social Network came out on DVD (it was my own personal F U to Zuckerberg :P) but last year I made another account to find my friends that I lost touch with, I hardly ever use it.

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