Hee! Hee! The mouse in case fan is adorable. Very funny.
I agree with Kimmy on the spiders. I will destroy you all! I don't like spiders, (not out of fear. I just hate that feeling when they land on you. And some are just plain ugly.)
Will, when you upload images, make sure the box at the Upload Page is set to Optimize With Out Re-size, then use the Direct Link when your links are done so they are normal, it will stop from having to click them to see them.
o.O! Here look at this, like I said tho on the page where you upload, use the drop down box to also choose the Optimize with out Re-size, you need a Imageshack.us account to use the "Direct Link" option, it is free to make an account there :)
I never use their Forum Link codes as they nerf a lot.
LOL May as well post a funny while hanging around
DUCK FACE!!! (Girls please stop making this face on the NET, you look like a retard when you do. It is NOT sexy! (idiots))
May I ask something? Where could I post a message asking for help with an error in a game? Apparently, the Otome Games, Artbooks & CDs section is exclusively for uploading games, according to what I read in the rules. :c