Longest you ever played?

Akatsuki no Goei. Finished it in one day, played all day. Only left my computer to either eat or go to the bathroom.
Rondo Leaflet

It took me one day and half the night. Didn't eat or go anywhere. It was just a VN day for me. XD
Katawa Shoujo - I played pretty much the whole game in one sitting and I guess it took roughly about 48 hours. I kept telling myself just a little more and I would go to bed but the game just wouldn't let me go.

Anytime I get involved in a good anime, Manga or visual novel, I just can stop until it's finished. I have passed out at my keyboard or with my ipad dropping on my face many times.
Sengoku Rance, "Just on more region to invade and I am going to sleep/eat/go out" is a dangerous philosophy for the social life :)
Quartett! was so lovely that I finished it in one day.

Subarashiki Hibi: Two days without sleep because the plot was AWESOME(best eroge ever for me)
Fate Stay Night Three whole days without food and sleep
Me too Fate Stay Night, took me more than one week doing almost nothing else during day.
Shadow, don't tell me you cleared all the routes and endings in 3 days and 3 nights, hard to believe.
Little Busters! took me a long time to finish. In one sitting, it took me about the whole day just to complete Mio Nishizono's route (With bathroom breaks and little snacks to eat).
I did I read really fast correspondingly I take lots of time to finish games like Kamidori because I want to do it perfectly which can mean I replay stuff several times before I'm satisfied
Ya I took a lot of time playing Sengoku Rance as well
RPG's bring out the worst in me I can barely tear myself away
Increasing character level and then balancing it over your entire cast
I wouldn't be able to do a three day sitting on Visual Novel simply because I find my natural needs stronger than anything else. This includes eating, sleeping, toilet breaks, etc. But if we are serious about just one sitting, where you don't do anything but go through an Visual Novel. Twelve hours occasionally, this is me staying awake till the sun rises. With water and a mug nearby with some snacks. No toilet break either.

With thirty minute to an hour break for various things, the longest was a day and a half with no sleep.
Kamidori Alchemy Meister
== seriously the game is quite addictive if u are not careful more than 2 to 3 week just for the full game
Straight up vn, probably 2-3 hours. Not too long. I just can`t sit and look at a screen of text that long. Read a book for twelve hours once. If you were to go games in general...Heavy Rain for 9 hours. No bathroom breaks, no food or drink. Essentially for nine hours one day, it was as if I didn`t exist to the world and the world didn`t exist to me. Kept everyone alive and got the best ending possible. No save reloads, one straight game.
For me, it would have to be Deus Machina Demonbane - 10 Hours straight. I still left to use the restroom and get a drink every now and then though.
same here i played sengoku rance 18 hours straight without getting up to eat or drink several times would have been more if my dad didnt keep coming home and interrupting me freaked the shit outta me when it froze on an h scene right when he was about to come in >.>
Must be <White album 2>
2.1 million words scenario. That took me almost a month to finished, plus another half month to read the detail.
Must be <White album 2>
2.1 million words scenario. That took me almost a month to finished, plus another half month to read the detail.

yea this is one of the things stopping me for reading white album. i always hear glowing reviews about it but qq too hard too long?

i play in spurts so 20~ hours on any given eroges is normal.
yea this is one of the things stopping me for reading white album. i always hear glowing reviews about it but qq too hard too long?

i play in spurts so 20~ hours on any given eroges is normal.

Man, I just want to say if you like love story and triangle than is totally worth it.

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