Looking for games - Not hold CTRL to finish


New member
Aug 10, 2012
Hi, I'm looking for HENTAI games with some puzzles, card games, spaceship battles, mahjong, labyrinth , anything that shows a challenge (doesn't have to be RPG since my japanese is very poor), but not the usual "hold ctrl to skip and get the cg's".

I´ve played the entire Nurse Call series (Inna Kansen), Pia Carrot Mahjong, Chaos Labyrinth (my all time favorite), and others.

Thank you for your suggestion!
I'd recommend Eiyuu Senki GOLD. The story is basically non-existant (I could even give you a short rundown if you're interested) so you're not missing much there. There are a lot of short missions for interacting with the characters, but except a select few of them, they have nothing to do with the story.

Other than that, it's just a Sengoku Rance-like conquest RPG.

Edit: Looking at the VNDB page, there's even an English interface patch. Should make it a lot easier for you.

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