[LPW #1] Time to start..

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ok cool..
hmm just realise no one answered my qn earlier on, so repeating it again
@terumi just one quick question english or japanese?
@nemuru just dont speak and keep drinking warm water should make it better though ^^
@zero-she cant leave without dota =P

@nemuru -best way go slp as everybody says!
It also helps if you tell us what you like and what you already played. :P
@terumi -genres... romance, dark themes, drama, comedy, plot heavy, mind fucks n etc? Recent 1s or classics?
@Nemuru: that sound awful >.<

@Frank: what are you beta-testing?

@Terumi : what kind of homework?

*end of random questions for now* xD
@joe - frank is doing english translations for Fortune arterial.
Yay, another VN I'll be able to play in the not so distant future xD
hmm sorry for slow reply.
romance, comedy, no dark, boobs~ recent? (2008 onwards would be good)

@joe, some finance homework. lol

@kou, frank's doing trans for FA?!? wow, thank god i just downloaded it
@terumi i think he is releasing a standalone game not a patch though >_> .well anyway, since u are a atelier kaguya fan, u try classy cranberries edi? since that has comedy, romance and big boobs lol. Do you like magical settings or magic twists?
I've heard Classy Cranberry's is good^^
@Nemuru: why are you playing dota if you're sick O.o
@ coro - i think so too >_>.....looks like she is having another match....
I'm playing because i only get to play with my friends once in a week >_>
Playing with friends is always fun.
But still if you're sick you should go rest^^
Like i say quite busy can only afford casual chattings~
Everyone likes them~ the only difference in preference is the size :P
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