[LPW #103] The north remembers.

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Just because it's your birthday doesn't mean you can go around breaking social norms and laws, double posting and stealing policemen's hats :lecture:
..Yea my bad. I actually waited a bit before posting, thinking that Ana or you would've posted already :x

Gomen.. :sowwy:

The hats though.. Why would I even want it ._. ?
I am not worthy of your apologies. :pushups:

I don't know... to regurgitate into after getting too drunk?
I'm terrible with alcohol. Last time I tried a few sips of Asahi Beer and got a headache soon after. Haven't touched any since. Not that there's been any occasion to celebrate anyway.
It's a tad annoying though. By the time I'm tipsy..most of my friends are rolling along on the floor =/
/me adds a bit of whiskey

since frank started calling you evil?
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