[LPW #105] The last lord of the civil war (1477~1600) will the winner of whole Japan (and of the LPW 106)...

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Yeah she comes around once in a blue moon for a week or so then disappears again. (-_-)
Hmm you meant renano right? XD

I don't know of that many people who are that 'old' here. I've only been here maybe a year and a half myself :goodtea:
More like Ojii-san.

I'd start listing names, but then I'd miss people and they might be sad :scared:

Some people call me gramps IRL
Frank!! You are here :3

OK... Humn.... Wanted to post atleast an image to celebrate my return...
Well, Here goes.. :3


Can anyone guess which one is me?
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Oh I see now, you ARE the fence! Tricky, but I see through your clever ploys! :lmao:
I stared quite a bit and realized there are four people in the foreground
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