[LPW #105] The last lord of the civil war (1477~1600) will the winner of whole Japan (and of the LPW 106)...

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i heard as long as you're an Origin user, you can get sims 2 plus the 18 add-ins for free.
I loved The Sims back in the days. Need to check Origin right now.

Finally managed to watch Seikon no Qwaser... Guess there are plenty of better anime out there, had such great potential and after all it was 20 episodes too long (massive cliffhanger)
yup. it's true with me at least. go to redeem code, and type in I-LOVE-THE-SIMS and it works. pretty awesome
I loved The Sims back in the days. Need to check Origin right now.

Finally managed to watch Seikon no Qwaser... Guess there are plenty of better anime out there, had such great potential and after all it was 20 episodes too long (massive cliffhanger)

hi infa-chan.

Hey you two. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/81421837/world.rar world files. I would've included the backups but apparently it stopped backing up last month...:sowwy:
What do with it? Which version was it back then?

Guess I won't watch the second season of Seikon no Qwaser. All the reviews sound terrible... anyone watched it?
No Game No Life was awesome. Close to perfection with much space for future episodes.

Was anything this year as good as this?
I'm leaving for the night, good night!

Anayomex take over...:bye:
Been marathoning anime again. Watched Non Non Biyori from episode 01 to 13 (OVA)

This is one of the most relaxing series I have ever seen. A pleasant slice of life comedy that just leaves one feeling good.

A new season is in production; I hope the next season will be as comfortable as the first.

For now, nyanpasu! :bye:
Thank God it's Friday... Wait, Im on vacation, so it doesn't really change anything... I used to get so happy when friday came
Thank God it's Friday... Wait, Im on vacation, so it doesn't really change anything... I used to get so happy when friday came

i dread fridays now. i have to work on every one, and fridays are the busiest days of the week.
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