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An armed robber walks into a bank, with a gun drawn. Some civvies in the bank have their own guns, and some do not. Who do you predict are the most likely people to get shot?

As soon as people start trying to pull out guns and spin around to face the robber, things can get messy. I never see guns as providing much protection as I see them providing lethal reactions.

On the other hand, you could try this angle: If everyone had guns, and it was common knowledge that at least most people had guns, then those potential armed robbers might be too scared of lethal reactions to try an armed robbery. This isn't really guns protecting you as it is assured mutual destruction; something like the nuclear war situation: the first person to fire is probably the most dead.

The problem, as you have so neatly shown, is that we're almost giving the other team a chance to refute our argument :P
Hmm... If the offending group doesnt have guns, it could be a great influence in dissuading them?
In a country with guns, I don't think it would be very smart to commit a premeditated crime without a gun
Hmm... /me has little interest in owning a gun :/
I think in more lawless places a gun could be... useful? Though it would sort of be better to not have guns at all...

Lawless place... Like the wild west?
Give everyone guns but only produce ammunition which doesn't fit.

So everyone has guns but nobody could hurt each other.
Hmm there was also a test where they found that the presence of guns causes people to become more violent? :/

As for the wild west... overheard some people the next table over at the restaurant talking about their views on guns... came from texas or something? Says the police are inefficient so a gun is better... something like that =w=

Why would i even need a gun? :/
The presence of Frank causes people to become less violent.

Source: Frank Lab
Hmm there was also a test where they found that the presence of guns causes people to become more violent? :/

As for the wild west... overheard some people the next table over at the restaurant talking about their views on guns... came from texas or something? Says the police are inefficient so a gun is better... something like that =w=

Why would i even need a gun? :/

A) I think it has been pretty universally proven by now that letting everyone have guns is a monumentally horrible idea. A quick look at anything from violent crimes to school shootings strongly indicates this.

B) I'm pretty sure those are the exact people you need to not have guns. XD
And if you don't give the people what they want, they get it from other sources...
^ That's just about the only pro-gun argument there is. "Then the criminals will still get guns and civvies will be unarmed."
The problem is that it would appear to be statistically incorrect. Making it harder to get guns means that it is actually harder to get guns, and less criminals have them.

As another thought: criminals might feel less compelled to get "sufficient firepower" if they aren't expecting to run into a lot of dakka on the job. :P
Hmm... yeah... making them too easy to get is quite a horrible idea... =w= People arent too responsible either... I guess the no tolerance thing of the police wouldnt be as strong of an argument for the shooting of innocents if guns were rare :/
Well, the stupid ones won't get guns. The other people still will get them. Mafia for example...
I guess the no tolerance thing of the police wouldn't be as strong of an argument for the shooting of innocents if guns were rare. :/

I think you would potentially have less police shooting innocents if the police didn't have to worry as much about anyone they arrest pulling a gun on them.

I'm still kinda of the opinion that the type of person who wants to become a police officer tends to be a moron/asshole, though.
/me also sees this morning topic, says :hi: and passes through ...
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ChoomMoka wrote on Shine's profile. Do u happen to have the game from this blog? thx in advance
GhostHD wrote on wretchedegg's profile.
Hi, did you maybe have some work of these creators:

- bttファンクラブ
- skb
- Kiramekuhoshi / 煌めく星

mostly from btt would be my interest.
