[LPW #11] (>'-')> <( '-' )> <('-'<)

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Why? No routes!

@ Nemu chan - Is your ava your imouto?
hmm i cant describe what type.
me avoids because i see imouto-chara.

@kou, no routes? o.O
Well, it is more like pseudo routes compare to standard VN routes.
@Kou-chan: Imouto~

@Teruteru: You dislike imoutos...? >_>

@King: Thanks :p
You like it~?
@nemuru, me = onee-con

@kou, dont understand your VN lingo! X__X but i guess its ok. target: 2/3 by this weekend
@King: Oh! You know what I'm referring to? xD

@Teruteru: >_> Imoutos are cute~
no thanks~ X__X

me needs sleep, bye people
@ Terumi - To give you an example, remember 11eyes has routes? But they are short with a little bit of story and mostly H. We don't call them routes, but pseudo routes. :P. In another way of saying, the routes are too short and weak. Well, actually most of us just pretends that 11eyes doesn't have routes anyway. (Well, the strong point in 11eyes is the main plot anyway with all the action, not the routes)

11eyes anime? What? It doesn't exist :P.
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/me comes back awhile

hmm, let me get this straighten out:
erm, so little story and a lot of H = weak = route? but 11eyes didnt have a lot of h if memory served right
was the animu so bad? lol haha
BUT fortissimo is all plot no H = ??
Well, the routes in 11eyes are just for H only (basically Kakeru goes for a girl > H).

One defining points for 11eyes is the focused writing on action (more detail even than F/SN i dare say). VN = teamwork to win a fight, anime = wut? 1 slash, dark knight dies? wtf? You call that action?

Well, your opinions might vary. Like i said, the story in fortissimo is simple and predictable (which most of us who played it agree). The only character that has depth is Momijii (which is why she ranked top in character poll). No H doesn't mean it will be good plot wise :P.
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Good afternoon, Mr Fab.

@ Nemu chan - not slping yet?
@ Nemu chan - packing her bag...............................................................must be good to be your imouto ;_;.
@Kou-chan: She fell asleep, my mum will scold me if anything happens to her ._.

@King: Erm, not really.
It seems like you didn't notice it as well :p
@ Nemu chan - lolol. That parent prob always exists when you have younger siblings :P.
@Kou-chan: Sucks to be the older one ><
Okay, I'm gonna sleep!

Nya nya, minna-san!
I will post an awesome video if I manage to win this lpw :3
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