[LPW #11] (>'-')> <( '-' )> <('-'<)

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Hey i'm back. Was playing a VN. xD

I deleted....200 MBs. =.=""" Need to remove more stuff. >.<

@King- What pr0n? =.=""

@Anti- Dunno.
I go to Shinnoden too? I just wait for you to get it off MU xD

@ Blue: the thing you fap to every seconds XD
Shrug, it depends, since in the manga Moka have silver hair and in anime she have silver/purple hair....apparently pure silver isn't a popular choice ;S

/me steal Anti's cookie jar XD
I'm back for a bit and... King, why am i the troll? =.="

And wth "The King is a beautiful young lady with blonde hair"
Sometimes you sound really weird you know. =/

@Anti- Getting addicted to cookies now? xD
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