I'm not telling you to play though, just saying that we have the possibility to. xD
Btw, since you got an year worth IF you have MS points i would advise you to buy Castlevania Harmony of Despair. (Grinding Castlevania)(You should probably play the demo first >_>)
I still have 1640 MS points but I'm not planning on buying that or anything at the moment. I'm really packing with live, for what reason I have no idea. :P
Oh well, can't make you buy something you don't want. =p
(My luck in that game sucks though, i've bgeen playing since day one (Somewhere in August last year >_>) and i STILL DON'T HAVE MANY DAMN RARE ITEMS WICH EVERYONE THAT STARTED THE SAME TIME ALREADY HAVE)
That's why i told you to try out the demo. :3 (Even though i didn't even see how the demo works. I just insta-buyed it. I'll buy any Castlevania game. xD)
May I ask something? Where could I post a message asking for help with an error in a game? Apparently, the Otome Games, Artbooks & CDs section is exclusively for uploading games, according to what I read in the rules. :c