[LPW #11] (>'-')> <( '-' )> <('-'<)

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Hi Terumi, and thank you. :3
You're really obssessed with that game huh. xD
not obsessed..
i am not done with it.. most probably only half way there....
Ugh... so hungry. I need exotic foods! Different taste...

Where's greenmage?
Trying to avoid Hoshi o Ou Kodomo spoilers from jap friends >_>.
@Blue-chan: What's with that green thingy? :p

Okay, off to bed!
G'nights everyone~
sunrise porn, bird-in-flight porn, train porn, snow porn... Vintage Shinkai movie.

Urge to getting spoiled rising >_>.
Friend: Speaking of girls, mind telling me who it is in your avatar so I can find porn of her?
Me: ........................

I always have some weird conversation daily >_>.
When you are involved in a rather big VN circle, that is to be expected. Some 'extremes' one.

Lets see, The S Queen, The kneesocks guy, the crossdress guy, the loli hunter/eater and etc.
@ Coco - info? He devours/eats lolis every day. Can't live without them lol.

@ King - I am just a normal person in the discussion sub-group in the circle compare to other extreme groups. Masterminds? That belong to the eroge meisters.
@Kou anyguy that would eat any kind of bishoujo?
@ Coco - friend lol.

@ King - hiding? may be lots of rants or are you trying to find out about my fetishes?

@ Checkmate - you? Most ppl have diff preferences.
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