[LPW #110] Her Secret!!!

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By @Nana. 'Unknown' time huh, Didn't know you two got that well along...~

Now now don't be so tsun :runhappy: How are you Genki-sama~

I'm doing very good for the moment actually. Even just today. Did I get upgraded to an Energy god :? \( *¯∇¯)ノ ☆FABULOUS~☆

Though, I'm must go, and take my rest now. おやすみ みんなさん。
I'm a little less Tsun now btw..and a bit more Sun. Being an energy god and all (・ω・) Just saying~

Play with kotoura Mjonster !

Drama nyan!~
bye genki~

/me glomps hideki~
la me I'm great and pretty stressed :loseoil:

I need a massage samy massage me or die:fag:
Well my country was always behind the whole world, so I am allowed to use old language.77

bye shi
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