[LPW #118] New Year's Resolution

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One day, we shall defeat the frankmon. And all will be right in the LPW once more :P
I vote that tea-senpai be our glorious leader. He shall lead us to a victory like no other!
『I think me and Samye would be only ones here then...』
Well... Hello and g'evening people...:goodtea:

Edit [MENTION=26445]Ralium[/MENTION]; - *Nyaacu set have you^_^!*
/me briefly wanders in LPW while listening to (boring) conference call...
Yey, it's Jez - G'morning for you...!:goodtea:

/me gives some BL/Ikimen (What he a truck-full of magazines for her pre-ordered has) magazines for Jez, that she the morning senseful start can, instead the stupid calls of another end of line.
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