『Nah Kyoudai, its not really a problem with people or admins or anything here. Its just that ASF is in my opinion too big of a forum. There are like over 100k users now (though pretty sure most are spam-bots or something) and most of the others just come here in order to enjoy anime, download vns or stuff, or simply communicate and discuss different stuff. And with member base this large it is very hard a decision to just make a single (who might seem very random if admins don't know them within this crowd of members) person a moderator for one section for a content that like a maximum of 30-50 people will actually participate in and enjoy. I do think it is awesome if it could've been done but with our own forum for our games we can know that we can do whatever to the forum we like when we think it would be more beneficial to MG-gaming, incorporate other features like award system solely for achievements within the games and such. It just feels like that much of simpler you see?』