[LPW #12] Go Go Anime Sharing~~ \(^o^)

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sore loser??
All sorts of characters exist. could be excising a grudge or just simple pony and trap, may even be just a cattle trucking twunt~
like i said all sorts of characters exist.

/0.o just had a weird idea, lol~ somebody's not happy abt juice~

no but seriously its no fun attacking non-monetary site. just goes to show how much time farking kids new to computers have.
FFS if you want some toy to play with ask mommy for a new farking toy, or better, there's alot of ".gov" sites out there, but do grab a retractable baton on the way out.
Farking kids!
Not sure why it's happened, but don't worry about it.

the irony...
MAL states i watch more and longer than my friend, but in actual fact, i feel his list is longer~
and in truth, his grades are way above mine.

WTF... why is everything getting broke? My dvd player goes dead.....

Going to spent 1k+ over 2 months, oh my savings!
1k? thats around 500 here, whats it for?

finally cleared that imouto... rubbish

off to play wkc 2, be back later
Last month I bought LCD tv (TV broke), now for the dvd player ~_~.

O_O, the first route?
Nemu chan, whats your garena user? Sent me using VM :3
@kou, i done with that first route i picked.

yes, route was complete rubbish, didnt expect THAT EVENT to be the final complication, lol
if someone so low level like me said that, i think its pretty bad.

now for the class rep...
@King - nobody spam!

@Nemu chan - I see yuri!

First route is da imouto?
as in, there are 5..
i always pick the ones i dont really like first, saving da best for last.

so, the charas that goes against my tastes are always first, need to get them out of my game
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