Kou, you ought to see doctor really soon before it getting worst.
Remember, early prevention is much better than...err...I forgot the rest of the sentence.
Was it 'medication' or 'cure' or something else?
nii-San,kou, terumi, KA and everyone, you must all get a good sleep. :3
Question, you guys know where I can get an installer for irc for iPod?(is that possible?XD) it's suppose to be sleeping time for me already but I can sneak through this.. I really enjoyed the trivia rumble awhile ago. Lolol. T'was really funny.
Sorry if interrupt, but do you upload comics? If yes, can you please upload this comic, author uploaded it on fanbox, but fanbox delete almost all posts, and kemono stop working in the same time, and almost 2 years i try to find it somewhere else, but useless, Thanks in advance, and sorry for bad english.