[LPW #12] Go Go Anime Sharing~~ \(^o^)

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Nah~ Just grow a pair and watch em sad shows. as long as they don't have any adverse effects like you slitting your wrists, then everything should be fine.
I only watched Ano hana after it was over but i liked it. the only thing i can't stand is a reverse harem. WTF?
so definitely no watching that uta no prince whatever~
That revese harem anime thing is a big NO for me...
I haven't seen any interesting animes for this season yet... >_>
Just can't wait for Autumn...
Nah, i find this season to be quite good than previous summer seasons, its just that may be you all need to increase your range. As for Autumn, lol there are a few hype series, but overall though when i see the directors for the series, this season actually has much more of the 'veteran directors'.
Then again, I only know you and Anti watched the more otaku centric shows like Aria.
I abandon Aria like a couples of episode in the season. The only thing that kept me getting the episode was because Im uploading it elsewhere >_>

Though unlike some ppl, I don't watch the animes weekly. I prefer to wait until the season end before watching it since I just love to marathon animes. So during spring. I haven't watch any animes that came out.
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So which anime you watched from the winter?
I haven't watch much anime from the past two season :/ Just not a plot that interests me, Aria actually have a rather interesting plot and character ideas from the Novel, but nothing was put in the anime >.>

Man, Tekken Movie looks pretty badass xD
Hmm... for winter:

- Infinite Stratos
- Fractale
- Dragon Crisis!
- Yumekui Merry
- Kore wa Zombie Desu ka
- Freezing
- Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica

As for spring, didn't start watching a single episode yet.

@King - For Aria, I recommend that you read the light novel instead. ;)
Fate/Zero... When Saber looks more awesome in my eyes :3

@ Anti: The Novel does get interesting with Holmes the First
@ Anti - fair enough, though i will cut dragon crysis out.

Aria's plot makes me laugh a lot, well if you don't take it seriously, it is okay.
The anime for Aria was just bad D:
I really drop it and took it out of my hdd ASAP.
Though I kept the light novel. xD

Ika-Musume and Working!! are both getting a 2nd season :O
The LN isn't actually better anyway especially the latter parts, it is more of the type you read to see how ridiculous the author can pull out of his sleeves.

I admit it is fun to see friends making fun of the anime and LN friends speculating how ridiculous stuff can get.
All in all we can make fun on that serie I guess. Some where expecting good things from it and I guess their expectation were too great and it lead to where it is now.

Though I must say that Aria is the perfect replica of Shana but with a couple of details of differences.
Well, obviously they are catering to the otaku audience with the twintails tsundere :P. Most of the chars are copies of chars archetypes that are popular lol.
Lol >.> I just think that reading fantasies, anything that goes well with you, you'll think is good, anything that doesn't is bad. is that simple xD Do you need anything more? I mean, we're not trying to win English Literature Nobel Price now are we?

Is like, you have your taste, people shouldn't disagree with your taste, but they can dislike, but going to extent of publicly stately that is bad, don't watch it...is kinda of over the border.
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When thing is bad, i just said it is bad, there is nothing to hide, I just stand by my opinions (lol i guess it is more because i am involved with VN reviews sometimes and sticking with Zen). Of course, you can disagree and I am not going to change your mind :P.

I just think that reading fantasies, anything that goes well with you, you'll think is good, anything that doesn't is bad.

A good story doesn't always have to go your way IMO. Like a VN, if it doesn't go the way i wanted and make me raged >9000, I still can't deny it was nicely written (which are mostly Nitro+ stories)
People nowadays saddens me when they were like "This xxxx is not good because certain xxxx said so"


Just decide yourself whether is good or not?

I've seen things that I love that have been criticized to be bad, in my eyes is was awesome. Would be nice if people don't just follow what critics say all the time >.> They're good guidance but they're not you.

I am by no way affected by ppl and this is what i always avoid, wonder how you come to that conclusion lol unless you are pointing at other ppl. Like i said, i think it is bad, you think it is good, I am not going to affect your opinions, I am just stating mine lol.
People just get sheep'd nowadays >.>

Makes me sad to see how people cannot decide for themselves what to like and what to dislike >.>

Is it that hard to decide?

Or is it better to go with the bigger community?

By that I don't mean you are one of them...I'm just saying how people just blindly follow critics nowadays...my friends just do that...and they try to force their opinion on me >.> That is just too damn annoying >.>

Is like, I keep telling them "Ok, you can suggest but I'll ultimately decide what to do with your suggestion..."
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Lol..... I hope you aren't putting me into the ppl who just goes with the flow category since that is like the first thing we avoid in a VN review group.

Opinions will always be opinions. Feel free to disagree. Its not like I nv got flamed by VN fanboys by just stating that something is not so good *coughs ryuukishi07 fans*

EDIT: Lol, i read your edited post nvm then >_>.
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this became quite the interesting discussion while i was traveling to work. **Damn you work**
I also wanted to voice my views but wth! ~

Anyways i watched Aria to the end, and i suggest that anyone should first watch the show for themselves before declaring it tripe, every show has its highs and lows, some better than the others. I always shun the so called anime "gurus" who go out of their way to rubbish a show and in the end influence the opinions of the audiences.
All in all i usually watch some shows till the end so i can atleast say to myself; no that show was shit. yes shit.(not regarding any show in particular :D).
At the same time i am an individual who is also stereotypical about what i won't watch straight from the off. (even if they chose to put my 2D girlfriend in there! **and this is all just a saying since mywaifus are too expensive for anime**). Things like Reverse harems just won't float for me, simply because it is illogical, what with all the girls swarming around, there is no way 5 guys in there right minds would stick to one like shit on a blanket.
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