[LPW #121] The Afterlife Battlefield

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1st: G'day people...:bored:

2nd: Did already gratulated, but batter... G'gratulation for your win again, and for this wonderful new LPW [MENTION=44312]Dark Angel[/MENTION];!!!

[MENTION=44312]Dark Angel[/MENTION]; Congrats on winning the last LPW! :cheerleader:

Well, just finished a full weekend of Magic! One standard tournament, and three sealed prerelease tournaments.

Did pretty good overall!

In the standard tournament, finished 3rd of 14
In the Friday midnight prerelease, finished 5th of 24 (yes, 24 people playing from midnight to 6 AM)
In the Saturday evening prerelease, finished 6th of 18
And then the Sunday afternoon prerelease... ahhh yesss... WON it with a perfect score over 16 players!!! Ate my opponents alive!!! :nyanmusu_cheer:

Now to relax and recover for a few days. :megane_nap:

G'gratulation to your productive matches, the hard efforts did paied out!!!
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G'late-midnight Samy, what's up, are you still under presure of works...?:bored:
Oh so... This is nice then, you can finally right sleep and making random stuff...:goodtea:
Hmm, what interesting people...? Oh, I'm again alone, well then...:bored:
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