[LPW #125] Tasting the dog ending

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hm a beta one not sure if to scrap this one...

hm lately i am getting a bit sadness from certain people... i might be wrong but... anyway i will try to figure it out my self....
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i will never make you sad at least i hope i dont

Hm...... i must have heard that around 1.000.000 times...

In the end humans are only use humans and after used them they are forgetting them...

So i am not trusting nobody... I fell 3 times victim of my good and naive character... i won't let it happen again.
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Hm...... i must have heard that around 1.000.000 times...

In the end humans are only use humans and after used them they are forgetting them...

So i am not trusting nobody... I fell 3 times victim of my good and naive character... i won't let it happen again.

same here so i know what its like but 1 thing about me is i will always help anyone if i can so i wont be like the ones who did that to me if you known me in all the games i played mmo and such i ws always like this help people out and make people happy and never think of myself ever
same here so i know what its like but 1 thing about me is i will always help anyone if i can so i wont be like the ones who did that to me if you known me in all the games i played mmo and such i ws always like this help people out and make people happy and never think of myself ever

Even so, i can't... i can't trust nobody except my family.
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well i wont ask you anything about that in terms of family stuff offline slash rl stuff is something i never ask but even so i understand family = safe bet for feeling safe and dont ever change that its better to feel safe were you feel safe then to expose yourself to possible outcome to cant or might not want to deal with
no problem don't need say a word just know i wont be that way regardless of any possible outcome i will just be me and i am helper like for one a person i know needed help for 3 months cleaning there back yard i was wearing pants and sweater in 100 deg weather lol for 3 months and i did it only to help no reward or cash anything just to help that person that is me ^^ always will be me people call me sucker worthless useless b/c i never think of my self i say lol i am what i am
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