[LPW #126] Come, Join us, along with our friends and neighbors!

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3rd epi of Seiken_Tsukai_no_World_Break_-_03[BD][1080p][Hi10p][FLAC] complete timed and own subbed ^^ now for 4th
/me begins operation "STEAL O DARK RENDERS"

I'll become a trillionaire sooon
ok done with Madan no Ou to Vanadis and Seiken_Tsukai_no_World_Break personal subbing and timing ^^ took along time ^^many epis
Hi folks! :megane_coffee:

Pretty well caught up on my anime, been marathoning for a couple of days... what to do next?
i just got done self subbing and timing Madan no Ou to Vanadis and Seiken_Tsukai_no_World_Break took along time ^^many epis all bd ^^ i was hmm minus well get them and sub them my self lol so i did so i got all there bd and subbed them myself and timed
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