[LPW #128] Chika - Small But Dangerous!

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nah i had major stuff take care of some things i cant say here but zero hour is all i can say ^^ beyond that i been busy ^^
nu just that this issue requires time to be ready for "Zero Hour" event will be big thus takes a lot time to prepare for
once its zero hour then well all will be clear to me thus i be able to know whats next
/me catches Samy, and... Dunno further...:bored:

Edit: Welcome!
One reason why the Charlotte anime is so fucking retarded, apart from the characters being so boring (especially the MC and the president), is that the student council is so soft on the MC. He goes unpunished despite him abusing his powers like a douche. IDGAF that his sis was hurt/died or whatever the ef. /rantoff
One reason why the Charlotte anime is so fucking retarded, apart from the characters being so boring (especially the MC and the president), is that the student council is so soft on the MC. He goes unpunished despite him abusing his powers like a douche. IDGAF that his sis was hurt/died or whatever the ef. /rantoff

I'll probably end up watching the whole thing, but yeahhh... this is not one of the better Summer season animes. I'll probably skip any sequels.

One that's been pretty good is Ushio to Tora.
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