[LPW #128] Chika - Small But Dangerous!

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Lol, don't hear him - Franky'll just manipulate and your money have..xD
Franky has influence around him.
I must convert to his cause! <:
No like Rain, I pour down when mad
and stain the world, one drip at a time.


I rather die, as I an questionable "religion" (<- what event that isn't...) share would...>_>

Anyway, I'm now OFF - Bye, we see us!
Uh, you know, like glasses? Or the lenses in your eyes?

Also booted up steam the other day and poked at your Skyrim play time. Hehehehehe :runhappy:

Lol ;p Finally started a bit of modding on it ;p Not sure if it was all that necessary but ahh well~
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