[LPW #13] Anime Sharing~ You know it made sense~( ^_^)o自自o(^_^ )

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hi ac, whats the temp there? at least you guys get the 4 seasons, sg here is summer 365 days/24hours
Hey AC ^^

@Teruteru: We get rain too, sometimes...
Till it floods.
If im checking the weather, it says 27. But with the humidity its more like 37+
its just too freaking hot in general D:

i like windy days here, if only there was more

@AC, we average 30-31 degrees here. no more complaints!
I won't complain. I'll just stay home with the a/c on until I go to work >_>
It's worst when you're living on a hill.
Windy days are nice, not when it's hot plus windy.

air con comes in good. but i dont on them here.

been looping this endlessly for 3 weeks already~
3rd august seem so far
wondering if i should get my friend to import the single...

off for project work and study, have to wake up so early for some random competition tmr.
no idea why they picked someone who's grades are near fail to represent school. gawd~
@Aaronny: You do?
How do you play dota with mac??
Get a new battery!

@AC: Why?!?
@nemuru - warcraft 3 for mac! problem is, AI maps crash mac+pc multiplayer... so usually don't get to practice much.
annnnd too poor to afford one, so waiting until i can bring it to apple store and demand a replacement, like a good hk-er
<- never supported apple/mac products, never will
my prof can switch to windows with Mac.. xD that's how he uses non-Mac apps... *dota... I'd rather play counterstrike than that. :o*
I'll stick with my normal Role Playing Games on consoles thank you very much.
Pinky-chan play CS?! ;_;

@Aaronny: Plus, Mac doesn't support Garena.
Goodluck :p
yep, I do. :P I'm a true lady though but I do play such games. Pretty fun to play with your guyfriends and beat some up and if you can't beat them, they won't bother either cuz your a female anyway. Hahaha. you get to tease them but they can't tease you. Guyfriends :3
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