[LPW #131] A Sexy Halloween!!!

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I haven't heard from nazaka... and from his last few messages on his wall worries me a bit.... I hope he hasn't taken his life that idiot.

Hinode is going good though ^_^ a very good friend.

and you meaning kud from little busters? then GO FOR IT INFA!!!

yeah, let's hope not. it's always sad when it feels like that's the only option

good to hear hinode's good. he was always fun to talk to

meh, i don't feel like it :deadsad: lol, i might end up giving the idea to shinseph
°°°°°°°°°°°...:bored:...Uhaaaaaa...!!!???:surprised: :wasclose: Phuu...~ Just you was it, Rain...
Azu nyan is the inn's mascot yes.
She offers services to customers for a fee. maid and all.
It will spawn into many other business ventures.
Azu nyan is also my table tennis partner.

we've won a bunch of awards etc.
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