[LPW #136] Merry Christmas ASF!!

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It's Sam! who steals candies and dolls from kids.

/me apprehends Sam into custody with the help of 100 police officers.

Your punishment is Execution.
how dare you sammy!!!

i'll take all of that candy.........to the evidence room...obviously :korokke_yummy:
I made a contract with abyss it wants Samy

Goodnightys Sam time to sleep for all eternity in the abyss.
The first video I did not know, looks good... maybe give a try
I was listening Lip on my Prince a while ago... Namikawa Daisuke's voice is good for health *-*

N-namikawa sama :bigeyes:
My drama cd folder is crazy these days xD

About midnight jiang shis... OMG the cast is so good!!!!!! They are not my favorite voice actors, but I like them too. I HAVE to hear this drama! :nosebleed:
I really liked this first picture... I wanted to be in place of the heroine!:runaway:
Bishounen, bishounen everywhere...! :lovestruck:

honey liar: the song is funny, I liked this! XD
And still have Namikawa Daisuke voice! *O*

I'll soon going to order the cd's tho I already listened some of them *^*


The pics look great indeed,im jealous of everything lol and yea...bishies!!:runhappy:

and after listening to this > the first vol of sleep sleep sheep ,I started to have eguchi takuya obsession :deadsad:
/me stares at Jolly
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