LPW #139 Rise of the LPW Raider

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I'm gonna watch todays Dimension W and head off to bed after.

Later ASF~!
Well, I'm also OFF for today, wher then... Bye and g'night all...:bored:
Hmm, I see... Well, your life got then more troublesome than earlier, as you from S.F. moved are... Hmm, I wish nevertheless much success with...:bored:

Moving was definitely busy, but I like keeping busy; otherwise, I'd get into trouble...

Until later, good night!

@Jazebel; Well she looked really happy,I went to see her as a surprise..~Bought a cake and some gifts~We had nice time with everyone~:fulfilled:
It's getting late now~
Tomorrow is cursedmonday~
I'm off for today~
/me glomps you super tight~<3

I hate Monday's too.

Anyway, good night! Sweet dreams..

[MENTION=10646]unownHGSS[/MENTION]; Will miss you!
night shi :bye:

...everybody is leaving... /me gives Jezzy-chan some cheesecake.
/me glomps Sky, Leggy and Sammy!


Glomps and uploading a bad combination!!!
NBA All-Star!!!!

Taken me almost five hours four upload files...
Why would you chase off my totally harmless pets. Have your shark eat shin instead.
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