[LPW #14] Say WHAT?! It's 14th already. :D

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shockedface.jpg I am surprised Terumi watch it!
didnt i mention before in the thread?

anycase, now the only watching point for me is aoi
I like aoi too, but I prefer tomoka!
I thought teruteru doesn't watch this show!
i ranted about this in the anime thread.

lol. aoi <3 yomei ni suru kana?
@Terumi - I thought you dropped it at epi 3,4....

I already got idolmaster that day so~
Aoi can be oneechan!
Many lolis in the show.
Even the aunt is a loli!
must agree it may be her onee-chan traits that attracted me, anycase, aoi > entire loli team ± that elementary giant

i may pick up idolmaster some time, after i clear my 10 backlog titles, ps3, vns this sept before walkure drops
An oneechan is fine, too >_>

Cool, I have like a few seasons of backlog to clear too.
backlog is not cool T___T
may wanna pick up and try reading LNs, but is freaking exp $$, around $14 per volume here, and some titles which i was interested in aint there. :(

tight gaming schedule is ridiculously stupid
<- stupid to the max
/me shall always go for imouto, miko, loli, osananajimi, kouhai and the likes
Never read LNs before, but don't they upload it online?
At least you're enjoying (¬_¬)

@Onii-chan: Anything that is cute and lolicious huh :p
/me baits check using non-heroine imouto

with that said, i must finish kamikaze fast to go into reona after story.
kou, anyone in your circle has the patch for damamuko fan disk micchi mentioned in his post that day? no serial number = no patch it seems
Hmm? Only in my previous post:


/me baits check using non-heroine imouto
That troll game... viva la troll...

sleep! kou, if ya have any answers with regard to the patch, please feel free to vm me. thanks!
looking for a serial code or how it looks like, if anyone has it.

nights all
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Hello Blue~

I won't enter into this kind of topic, thank you very much.
Hello nemu-chan.
Sup AC.

Same as AC, won't enter the loli topic since i dislike them. >_>
Hmm... Nothing much on my side. Im glad that my new term started so I could have more free time. xD
Same as AC, won't enter the loli topic since i dislike them. >_>

You never know what you have missed, BlueMage
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