[LPW #14] Say WHAT?! It's 14th already. :D

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your diary, my rori~

^Both of you wrong!

Weaboo says its Yua's diary.
Then I'll take the rori and what's not

Yua has a checked pattern pantsu? Nice, pretty new to me
@Teru - You should be able to get the MU link tomorrow morning (my time) when I'll come back online. ;)

@kou, you playing your diary? i thought you went for koikishi too, and that sengoku game which was about 8gb+++?
@Teru - Hes not the only one who went for that game lol. Check, Zero and some others too.
(doesn't include myself since im finishing making my upload list)
I don't know, koikishi while chars are entertaining, the writing is .... . Your diary has natsu ame's writer but is full of roris. FUCKING IRONY!

KKK......... 70 % to go.

I doubt zero and check plays for the writing, zero for the moements, check for the roris.
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check and zero are pretty much a given, koikishi has high level imouto inside.

@kou, so what are you exactly playing and downloading now?

/me looking through all the wave releases
I still don't know if I will even find the time to play a game from this month's list... >_>

Your diary, the writing focus on cgs instead of writing first and draw cgs later which means bleh.... koikishi has this blatant way of forcing cliches on your faces and short cuts.

Oh well, this are all trial impressions.
lol, go for koikishi then? :3
the pre-order figures for the game was even higher than walkure.. damn it..

koikishi come come!
WHAT IS KKK?!?!?!?!?

koikishi looks damn nice to the eyes, i aint that great looker for plots when i get kawaii bishoujos~
its not even about the plot, but the execution, oh well green text already raging on it jajaja.

Kitto kitto kanade!
NANI GA KKK?!?!?!?
kawaii bishoujos wa saikou!

triple budget AK titles on release too, they are doing a lot of those this year.
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