Vel chan is meannnnn
What if there was a love potion mixed in there somewhere
Almost? Its been like a week since the first
/me tosses vel chan some goggles
I'm just telling the truth.
I'm not mean...
Why would I need a love potion?
S-should I call for an ambulance??
Gives you time to recuperate
/me catches the goggles and puts them on.
B-b-because you're going to tickle me...
When I first read what you said it made me really laugh lol, now it makes me laugh again xD Don't run away Vel-chan...
/me returns being a girl
OMG you're so me! xD That's exactly what I think! I always think Zen waiting on the other side for a text from me and he ages everyday because there's stil no reply

/me flips table with Vel-chan "my hourglassessssss!"
Yep! Alright I'll make sure to tell you first then! It's been 3days without playing mystic messenger and I feel like ...empty

just waiting for that text thing update, awww Vel-chan I luv chu

I love talking with you too, you really understand me

By the way I wonder what's your horoscope?

A big YES! They have to blush in the end! xD They have to lose their coolness and admit that they're in love

Hmmmmm now that makes me more curious about Jumin lol, I need to do my best!
Ah I wish...until I find that guy, Zen will be always in my heartuuu <3 Now I feel safe he's not real
Hehe, I'm glad it made you laugh xD But nu! Nu tickles!
K-chan gets me! xD We're on the same wavelength~

And then you accidentally miss his calls too and you're just like
Yay, thank you! ^^ I know what you mean, I need my dose of Mystic Messenger goodness ;-; I see Cheritz updating the game, but I have yet to see, "text messaging fixed" as part of the update log.

I'm going to start having withdrawal symptoms soon... Is this what Yoosung felt?? xD
Aww, I love you too, K-chan <3

My horoscope is Virgo. How about you?
Good luck with Jumin! A tip, make sure you tell him in a gentle and understanding way to let you leave to get ready for the party, but only once everything is settled and your safety is ensured, so you can get the good ending :D <<<Tried to make that not sound spoiler-ish to the best of my ability.
Hehe, Zen's so lucky to have such a lovely girlfriend/wife(? Do you get married to him in the end? xD )
But if he was, Zen would definitely protect you ;)
Well I celebrated my birthday earlier~ and the actual day I spent it in uni, lovely friends made me birthday cards!

I was quite shocked to receive them at first, since we just met last week!
Eeehhh I look like an alien

Yayyyyyy~ /me shares the same blanket with Vel-chan
I'm happy to hear that

Lift your head and don't feel uncomfortable~
In that one week - or even on the first day - of meeting you, they could probably already tell that you're an incredibly sweet and wonderful girl, so I'm not surprised that they decided to make you some handmade cards

I'm glad you made some really nice uni friends, partner
We can be alien buddies~

Hehe, want some? /me offers Dawn-chan a bowl of popcorn.
* Random bishie tries to be a cool, manly man for Dawn-chan. Sorry about that, I was just awed by your stunning beauty.
/me grabs [MENTION=122350]Velenora[/MENTION]; and group hugs with imouto <3
We're such a good besties T-T x3
/me hugs [MENTION=122350]Velenora[/MENTION]; ! Nee-chan
I come on and see this - it made me really happy

I love you both~ <3 /me glomps them both