[LPW #15] For the record~

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What is Halloween???
Nayne, We don't celebrate the pumpkin trick or treat here :/
Nobody trick or treats? Well... as long as you get free stuff any holiday is a good day worth celebrating to me.
A good day is a deserved day to celebrate, neh~
But isn't Halloween celebrated on October 31?
Could be wrong.
/me has been away for awhile and it's already LPW15. LOL. didn't post even once in the 14th I think. xD

anyway, SOTM AD: VOTE NOW! THE THREAD WILL BE CLOSED WHEN MORE THAN 20 VOTES ARE REACHED. ;] Edit: Violent reactions will be kissed by my banhammer. lol. :]]
I'm not sure myself. I just know it's sometime this month.
Halloween? Already? Didnt know that. Oh well, happy halloween for those celebrating. :)

looking to pass 'ok' for mashi-iro imouto
What? Sakuno is da best!

watching this for miu and panya!
Good afternoon guys~

Halloween euh...
I don't celebrate it but I always goes to my parents' house and give candies to the kids. xD
Hi AC~

*koikishi to be completed next week friday 14-oct*
how to decide between the remaining games?!?!

still no comment

quote from tessu in IRC earlier:

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