[LPW #151] I miss you

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did that shopkeeper keep saying "what are ya buyin? what are ya sellin?" i know that guy. very creepy.

thank you for meaning well. :bigeyes: those other evil people like to tease :nekopara_hmph:
Oh, creepy alright, but at least he let me buy his goods, unlike some potion seller. He did warn me that the good in question wasn't for the faint of heart, though.

I know, right. This world's full of black-hearted people. ('Course, I have nothing against Black Heart. She's cute and all, as are the other Hearts.) Me, mine's as pure as a maiden's and fresh as the first snow.

[MENTION=2]Ignis[/MENTION]; Welcome back dear! Glad to see you're safe and alright, we missed you (:
Thanks so much for the warm welcome! I missed being here too :)

Oh, I'm sorry to hear that :( (Also sorry if my previous post was a bit insensitive;; ) I'm glad to hear that things are looking better for you now, though :fulfilled:
Life has been well; thank you for the concern :) I was just on hiatus due to exams.
Oh no, not at all. It was courteous, in fact. Definitely a much better way to say to welcome someone back from a hiatus rather than something like "welcome back, hope that pet problem of yours didn't give you too much trouble." It's a bit too private to share, but everything turned out way better than I'd braced myself for, so all's peachy and jolly now ヽ(=´▽`=)ノ

I see, good to hear. I still tend to forget when exams come and go. When my sister's done with hers I think I'll completely forget school academic cycles.

Hmm... Okay, I see your point. Well, I did thought on a new type of Admin, where only for this task/area restriced would (well a between Mod and Admin).
For that to be possible, we'd have to either:

  • reprogramme the awards system to separate its auxiliary functions (giving existing awards to users, etc) from managerial functions (making new awards, changing criteria, etc), so we can assign only the auxiliary functions to moderators and reserve the managerial functions for administrators, or

  • reprogramme the core forum system to allow more precise division of responsibilities, such that moderators are able to access certain functions that are part of core systems currently only accessible to administrators, without giving said moderators administrative privileges.
The first option isn't outright impossible, but it's really difficult. It requires us to rewrite the entire awards system. A site this big (and yes, while the number of active posters may not reflect that, in terms of traffic ASF is very big) administered by only three people is guaranteed to have our hands full. Then there's the technical issue of whether or not we'll be able to implement the code itself (I will say, personally, that it's beyond my ability).

Finally, even if we can muster enough time, manpower and expertise to accomplish such a task, it's a change from the ground up, which means it'll essentially redo the awards: points will get messed up, levels and experience points may be forgotten by the system, and awards will need to be recreated and given back to their rightful earners. It'll be just like switching to an entirely new awards system. Which we still plan to do sometime in the future. Sometime.

Meanwhile, the second option is next to impossible. It's almost comparable to coding new forum software from the ground up. It'll be even worse than switching our current forum software for something else, because while switching is guaranteed to leave things broken (look at Hongfire), user data and posts can still generally be transferred. Doing such a deep-level revamp of the existing forum software, however, would screw up most existing functions that have anything to do with privileged user access (mods, admins, etc).

And I see... Well, because I did me wondered, if it not would be possible the other 2 Admins (Checky and Coro) to request (of course only from the host of the contest-threads, SOTM & WOW) the awards for the winners to unlock, if you maybe again months away are? - I mean this case if you're more than 3 months not here. Because you'd then only 2×3 (divided by the two competitions on the forum, SOTM & WOW) awards unlock, instead if you're 4~5 months away (then between 8 and 10 awards would you or must unlock, and I do think that this would be for you too much...^_^).
Possible. I'll just have to outline the steps of doing so for them. Maybe you remember a bug from almost two years back which caused awards to appear on the profiles of users who weren't supposed to have them? I fixed it while redoing the SOTM awards, but to avoid making the bug reappear, the process of adding new awards is now a bit more convoluted.

Lol, you've not apologise, because meanwhile I'm spoiled by this text-walls of you, it are very informative - and sometimes even more interesting than a novel...xD
Hey, thanks. Makes me happy to hear you say that―it pays off to know that someone finds my lengthy (and perhaps long-winded) explanations informative :)
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You have to get through the shed first!

A little bit stinky, but you're not odd.

Yes, red velvet chocolate chip cookies~

Why is it so dark?? :donow:

/me gasps. Samy, you can't just ask someone why they burn underwater :korokke_uwooo:

Uh, o-of course n-n-not! I just assumed, since normally people wouldn't want to be beaten close to death.

/me brings out the extra long pokey sticks and makes holes in the shed :kurochan_yandere:

Hmm... maybe youre the odd one here then

With a nice cup of tea to go along with it? :lapi_angel:

Probably because it's night :kurochan_tsk:

Actually I think you can just ask people why they burn underwater :nyanmusu_puzzled:

It is merely tickling :nekopara_sigh:
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I breed it:akazukin_evillaugh:

I can't comment anything since I can't see them :akazukin_but:

Poor valet :akazukin_halp:

From what I heard, Frank made them human-shaped :alice_confused:

Such an odd mix... How did you ever get it to work out :nekopara_sigh:

But you just assumed they were :kurochan_sigh:

You have a better idea? :miku_beee:

Are they all frank clones or something? :lapi_laugh:
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For that to be possible, we'd have to either:

  • reprogramme the awards system to separate its auxiliary functions (giving existing awards to users, etc) from managerial functions (making new awards, changing criteria, etc), so we can assign only the auxiliary functions to moderators and reserve the managerial functions for administrators, or

  • reprogramme the core forum system to allow more precise division of responsibilities, such that moderators are able to access certain functions that are part of core systems currently only accessible to administrators, without giving said moderators administrative privileges.
The first option isn't outright impossible, but it's really difficult. It requires us to rewrite the entire awards system. A site this big (and yes, while the number of active posters may not reflect that, in terms of traffic ASF is very big) administered by only three people is guaranteed to have our hands full. Then there's the technical issue of whether or not we'll be able to implement the code itself (I will say, personally, that it's beyond my ability).

Finally, even if we can muster enough time, manpower and expertise to accomplish such a task, it's a change from the ground up, which means it'll essentially redo the awards: points will get messed up, levels and experience points may be forgotten by the system, and awards will need to be recreated and given back to their rightful earners. It'll be just like switching to an entirely new awards system. Which we still plan to do sometime in the future. Sometime.

Meanwhile, the second option is next to impossible. It's almost comparable to coding new forum software from the ground up. It'll be even worse than switching our current forum software for something else, because while switching is guaranteed to leave things broken (look at Hongfire), user data and posts can still generally be transferred. Doing such a deep-level revamp of the existing forum software, however, would screw up most existing functions that have anything to do with privileged user access (mods, admins, etc).

Well, I did expected, that I so what from you hear would... I wonder me, that you may not some people knowing, where this programming-stuff for you free make would. Because it'd really your work here easier make.

And yeah, keyword Hongfire: I was also years ago a member there for about 1 1/2 year, I did left because the forum itself has started to dying - Not that there no activity gave, it was pretty fun, but the system of HF was out of control and had (where even nowadays so is) often down times...

Possible. I'll just have to outline the steps of doing so for them. Maybe you remember a bug from almost two years back which caused awards to appear on the profiles of users who weren't supposed to have them? I fixed it while redoing the SOTM awards, but to avoid making the bug reappear, the process of adding new awards is now a bit more convoluted.
And yeah, I can me clearly remember on that. I did me at that time myself asked, why already so much awards gave...xD

I did asked this, because I could me imagine that Coro temporary (due because he is the most active Adimin here, due his daily updates/uploads here and etc.) this task from you take over could - But if you're for a longer period OFF from the forum e.g. longer than 2~3 months.

Hey, thanks. Makes me happy to hear you say that―it pays off to know that someone finds my lengthy (and perhaps long-winded) explanations informative :)
Lol, not to thanking, it wasn't a big deal...xD But this is really the true...^_^
Well, I did expected, that I so what from you hear would... I wonder me, that you may not some people knowing, where this programming-stuff for you free make would. Because it'd really your work here easier make.
Oh, there are a fair amount of people with such expertise. Software, apps and addons for websites have large, thriving markets. Of course, as the word "market" implies, they cost money. :P

There are free alternatives, yes, but for bigger boys like an awards system, you want long-term support and the guarantee that the software in question is (relatively) secure and bug-free. Long-term support means dedication from the developers. Even for free software like Linux distributions, providing support is where devs make money. Very good money, too.

Don't get me wrong, though: often, the problem isn't really money (it's not really expensive in the big picture). It's making sure that things are compatible with each other and don't break. Switching from a system to another is especially risky for a large site like ASF.

I did asked this, because I could me imagine that Coro temporary (due because he is the most active Adimin here, due his daily updates/uploads here and etc.) this task from you take over could - But if you're for a longer period OFF from the forum e.g. longer than 2~3 months.
Yeah, well, to be honest, I'd feel bad asking the other admins to cover my negligence or do something I'm supposed to do instead. As you yourself said, coro posts the most, and those uploads cost a fair amount of time. I probably spend the least time for the site among the three.

Still, you've got a point. I'll work something out with the others.
Oh, hi Ignis^_^!

Oh, there are a fair amount of people with such expertise. Software, apps and addons for websites have large, thriving markets. Of course, as the word "market" implies, they cost money. :P

There are free alternatives, yes, but for bigger boys like an awards system, you want long-term support and the guarantee that the software in question is (relatively) secure and bug-free. Long-term support means dedication from the developers. Even for free software like Linux distributions, providing support is where devs make money. Very good money, too.

Don't get me wrong, though: often, the problem isn't really money (it's not really expensive in the big picture). It's making sure that things are compatible with each other and don't break. Switching from a system to another is especially risky for a large site like ASF.

Hmm.. I see... Well, indeed. ASF shouldn't be messed up after, but sometime we must this step do - well, sometime about 5~10 years later, if we're in the 3.0/VR internet age...xD

Yeah, well, to be honest, I'd feel bad asking the other admins to cover my negligence or do something I'm supposed to do instead. As you yourself said, coro posts the most, and those uploads cost a fair amount of time. I probably spend the least time for the site among the three.

Still, you've got a point. I'll work something out with the others.
Hmm... Well, if he it freely make would, then you had about nothing to worring... - But this is just my viewpoint^_^
Oh, hi Ignis^_^!

Hmm.. I see... Well, indeed. ASF shouldn't be messed up after, but sometime we must this step do - well, sometime about 5~10 years later, if we're in the 3.0/VR internet age...xD

Hmm... Well, if he it freely make would, then you had about nothing to worring... - But this is just my viewpoint^_^
Hi! There are plans for it, yes. (There have been plans for years, actually, as you may have noticed. orz) Can't reveal anything yet, though. We haven't come to an agreement yet.

And yeah, the other two admins may disagree, if the alternative is that contest winners get the short end of the stick instead, it'll be better to give those two extra work. :P
It's called blackish house, if you wanna play it heree :3

lol i read the first line as 'I'm a god enforcer' xD aww dont break people's bones lol are you crazy?!xD why am i even asking while i already know the answer lol, omg!xD your choices of great words again impressed me xD yes nightmares lol, oooommggg thats so true! xDDD stop being so funny lol i cant sleep that way xD

giving me a game? xD are you trying to bribe me? xD cause if you are then you will have to try a lot harder than that hahaha xD

ohhh? xD so you have risen me to god? xD nice nice!! xD buahahahaha I am god batman!! xD hear me all your bones shall be broken! xD so shall I decreeee xD
well I am batman so my vocabulary will be expansive xD hahaha ohhhhh so I should be more funny so you laugh more and people will be like "go to beeed!!" and you will be like
"neveerrrr!!!" xD
Oh, creepy alright, but at least he let me buy his goods, unlike some potion seller. He did warn me that the good in question wasn't for the faint of heart, though.

I know, right. This world's full of black-hearted people. ('Course, I have nothing against Black Heart. She's cute and all, as are the other Hearts.) Me, mine's as pure as a maiden's and fresh as the first snow.

that potions seller was terrifying :scared:i hope to never see that again

finally, someone with a pure heart besides me. the world lacks pure hearted people. my favorite might be orange heart. she's got that whole, split personality thing going on. really hard to say which of the hearts is the best (-_-)
@frank - I presume you mean me? but you got the evil part wrong since you are evil and my face
is pure bishounen >_>
giving me a game? xD are you trying to bribe me? xD cause if you are then you will have to try a lot harder than that hahaha xD

ohhh? xD so you have risen me to god? xD nice nice!! xD buahahahaha I am god batman!! xD hear me all your bones shall be broken! xD so shall I decreeee xD
well I am batman so my vocabulary will be expansive xD hahaha ohhhhh so I should be more funny so you laugh more and people will be like "go to beeed!!" and you will be like
"neveerrrr!!!" xD

Bribing you? me bribing? bribing? Excuse me but it seems like you're mistaken there Sir. 'well I am batman so my vocabulary will be expansive' *cough* /me takes a sip from her godtea

I don't bribe, I just use force power with giving you a choice to nod or not to nod :goodtea: which is funny because you should know nodding is healthy so why not nod :goodtea: and you should be thankful because I spent my precious time there to copy and paste a link for only you /me takes another sip from her godtea while she brainwashes her butler with power of great word choices

Trying harder?xD You should be thankful dammit!xD lolol enough okayxD even im tired :wasclose: back to topic lol hmmmmm NO LOL, there's no way im rising you as a god xD you're raised as a slave i mean a butler :goodtea:
and you do a good job im impresse---
breaking MY bones?! D: how dare you -o-* /me orders you to jump off of a cliff then fly across the world and bring me the best of the best yaoi

No dont be more funnier than this lol i cant imagine what will happen to me then xD probably i would stop moving all of a sudden and turn into a statue because of losing my ultimate hyper energy

HA! Both of us knows very well that cannot happen! Cause...my hyperness is beyond space when it happens =/
Hi! There are plans for it, yes. (There have been plans for years, actually, as you may have noticed. orz) Can't reveal anything yet, though. We haven't come to an agreement yet.

And yeah, the other two admins may disagree, if the alternative is that contest winners get the short end of the stick instead, it'll be better to give those two extra work. :P

1st: Sorry for the disappearence, but my network was cut suddenly...xD

2nd: Hmm... Well, you did this, I think, few times said that about your shadow projects here...xD Well, I do hope that you soon your agreement from your CEO get...^_^

3rd: Why...? If you the monthly imouto/loli fee (what he probably from you both requires) at Checky with 10% increase, and for Coro... - Eee... To be honest, dunno what he require would...- ...give, then they may would it do that for you^_^!

Edit: G'day people!

Edit2: Whoa!!! K-chan, you've a awesome new set! Did you it complete yourself made that?
Yes bribing xD you must repeat it cause now you went like "uh oh I just bribed the great mighty batbutler I must run" but I assure you that running only makes it worse xD
cause when I catch you, you will be all sweaty and it won't be pleasant for either of us xD hahahaha

and I am incapable of nodding xD I can only look down and squint my eyes when I find a criminal who needs a beating xD that's why I'm a good butler xD cause I cannot be controlled so easily xD
brainwashing doesn't work on me xD I modified the scarecrow toxin to make myself immune to brainwashing haha xD

ohhhh??? I thought I heard you said slave xD but you saved youself there hahaha xD okay okay I'm raised as a butler xD *whispers to myself* for nowwww buahaha * laughs out loud* buahahahaha!!! ohh * clears throat* xD

I don't break your bones you are excluded xD and noooo way you just overdosed on yaoi xD I'm not letting you do that again for a while xD hahahaha
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