[LPW #151] I miss you

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/me kisses lips ♥

Oh kisses!
/me returns kiss ♥

Well, it lies somehow in your business that: Multitask skill...xD

And ah, I see... You searching after some inspiration in DeviantArt, it's a good way for^_^

Plus, it's the right brain and left brain thingy...creative vs analytic. I always feel this need be creative, especially when I've been doing too much analysis work.

Yes, DeviantArt has inspired me a lot, plus talking to Mon (Strawberry) has helped me too.
Plus, it's the right brain and left brain thingy...creative vs analytic. I always feel this need be creative, especially when I've been doing too much analysis work.

Yes, DeviantArt has inspired me a lot, plus talking to Mon (Strawberry) has helped me too.

Ideed. If you suddenly too much numbers seeing on your several monitors, then you're imagine them as a colour explosion, where you them just in proper wise the colours manage have, like at PS...xD

Ah, I see... Then you can be very thankfully at him for it^_^
[MENTION=41234]T-ELOS[/MENTION]; [MENTION=55154]Shinseph[/MENTION]; so, which messenger should i kill first :puniko_angry:
/me is an angel and shouldn't be killed in anyway!
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B-b-but... I didnt... I......... poor fishies... :akazukin_down:

It would be nicer to laugh than cry :miku_tehee:

You know a food delivery boy named robin? :kurochan_wut:

Do they want to regain consciousness though... :lapi_down:

Cheer up samy onii!/me quits mutating fishes :lapi_peaceful:

/me gives a clown-like laugh :rr_really:

In batman's mansion :mini_wut:

They would really like some sweet revenge :evillaugh:

W-wha, so tight!/me struggles :nekopara_blush:

i tell you he's toma's real life edition omg:shinonome_blush:


we became a ship imouto :alice_waai:

Ah...my sweetheart, that must be tough for you :sigh: but don't let it bother you, you deserve the best and being happy so❤ now now let onee-chan hug you~ /me hugs warmly~

On the other side take a look at me I'm 24 lol, just imagine about my friend circle for a second..:wasclose::wasclose: but I'm glad that we met somehow, you understand me more than anyone else, and how are you always so darn cute*sigh* it makes me want to hug you tight all the time!

Ah Toma;; :wasclose: you're right again;; :wasclose: I'm glad to have a careful sister like you<3 :nekopara_hug:

Well before all that memory cards, just focus on getting the vita first lol xD

Aww❤ I love you too my sweetie❤

We're always being shipped :samuraihero:

Thank you sweetheart /me hugs back tightly :bigeyes:
Nee-chan sure has a nice circle of friends :fulfilled: I wish I were, I will be once I understand all about nee-chan (sounds like a stalker ><)
Hugging me all the time?I want to pinch your cheeks and squeeze nee-chan though <3

That will be my biggest plan this year :casserole: no intention of buying second-handed one, for I'm a person of perfection buahahahaha!!!
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