[LPW #152] Aloha! Welcome to the Alola Region! Let's catch some Pokemon!

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『WHAT DID THAT DOOR EVER DO TO YOU?! APOLOGIZE TO THE DOOR!:objection:』 /me shoves Sky back at the door!
/me recovers from impact and takes out a dog whistle...:shockmenft:
『Obviously its the backdoor. Why would we ever enter through front one?』
『B-b-but... Do you also use front door when taking out your trash at cafe/restaurant/etc?? OF COURSE YOU DON'T! YOU USE THE BACKDOOR!:korokke_uwooo:
『Shhh Ruby, its not something you should reveal so easily even if its obvious.:ninja:

『Also, I just noticed you have more posts than me now D:』
『B-b-but... Do you also use front door when taking out your trash at cafe/restaurant/etc?? OF COURSE YOU DON'T! YOU USE THE BACKDOOR!:korokke_uwooo:

Well, this is again a different story...:goodtea:

Btw, my home doesn't have a backdoor...
『Its okay, Kyoudai, no need to feel down because of it. Because every window can become a backdoor if you use it improperly!:menft:
『Its okay, Kyoudai, no need to feel down because of it. Because every window can become a backdoor if you use it improperly!:menft:

Yeah, like if I'd few glasses Vodka drink, right?:goodtea:
『Shhh Ruby, its not something you should reveal so easily even if its obvious.:ninja:

『Also, I just noticed you have more posts than me now D:』

i may be a thief, but i'm not a liar :gokiko_hmph:

i have more?! :lmao:
『Yeah, you have like 340 more than me now... Feels bad D:』
Well, dewa kore kara ganbatte, Kyoudai!

Anyway, I'm OFF for today, where then... Bye and g'night all!
『Good night and mad dreams Kyoudai o/』

『Well then, what to do, what to do...』
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