[LPW #152] Aloha! Welcome to the Alola Region! Let's catch some Pokemon!

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I'll cook spaghetti! Bon appetit! :lapi_cook:
He's a newbie...with funny hairstyle :lapi_cheer:
/me was hoping to get a fluffy teddy bear:miku_depressed:
So...the aftermath is getting their butts burning...:korokke_ic:
Arghhhh...I should have rewrite it in its synonyms :alice_angry:

Ramen too? :akazukin_puppyeyes:

Maybe you should find someone with more experience :akazukin_dead:

A teddy bear big enough to be a house? :kurochan_thumb:

/me goes hunt down their boss :miku_pissed:

Too late now :lapi_laugh:
『Grats on that Forte leader skin Shako.:goodtea:』 /me has all leader skins but still uses Rowen though because of his "Nandatte?!" though~
『Yo Kyoudai. Just very hyped about Sen no Kiseki 3 announcement thing~:goodtea:
『Yep, though so many games come out in January that for some time I definitely will be too busy to count~:goodtea:
『But in order to rob a bank I have to actually go outside of my comfy room Kyoudai.:shockmenft:
『Gunununu... Sound point... Okay, if it's come to this, I have to harden my resolve and just do it...:nekopara_stare:
Where then move ahead, this shouldn't you stop...:goodtea:

Edit: About ~ 15 min. AFK.
『Laters Kyoudai. Guess I'll go make breakfast first though. You know what they say, "Cannot fight on an empty stomach.":samuraihero:
『I'm pretty sure I'd be instantly found if I tried to send you a souvenir from robbed bank over international mail...:wasclose:
/me captures then ties [MENTION=13039]MadSova[/MENTION]; and [MENTION=40801]Infamous[/MENTION]; :megane_waaai:
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