[LPW #154] Wooo! T-Elos Let Me Do This LPW!

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yeah, and persona has become a very mainstream game to a very annoying extent. they make so many pointless spinoffs, but otherwise the main ones are good

why don't you play mainstream games? just don't like them?

20 years ago mainstream games are awesome like Frank. Later mainstream games prioritize sales more than anything. Instead of venture to introduce new and interesting concepts, they stick to old ones that are decent at best because it's safe. Lots of game only bother about graphics to make a good first impression, in order to sell. That makes it unnecessarily expensive. I'm talking about PC though. =\
20 years ago mainstream games are awesome like Frank. Later mainstream games prioritize sales more than anything. Instead of venture to introduce new and interesting concepts, they stick to old ones that are decent at best because it's safe. Lots of game only bother about graphics to make a good first impression, in order to sell. That makes it unnecessarily expensive. I'm talking about PC though. =\

yeah, i definitely know what you mean. i get why you like indie games then. people always want a sequel to something, even when there shouldn't be. a good example is konami. metal gear solid was a good series under kojima's supervision, but konami fired him, and after they did, they started developing a zombie version just because zombies are so popular, and they even had the audacity to start making metal gear solid themed pachinko machines. of course there are always exceptions to greedy developers, but even if the developer doesn't start selling out his product, the company will. and half the time, games are forced to be released before the team is ready, so a buggy, incomplete copy is sent out.
How come Leggy didn't make this a topic about legs?

I believe everyone in the topical picture has legs... Uhura's are the nicest! :alice_blink:
[MENTION=41234]T-ELOS[/MENTION]; Quick trivia question... what episode does the topical picture come from? :megane_ponder:
Watched Little Witch Academia and so far it's pretty good. As expected of the animators who worked on Toppa Tengen Gurren Lagann
Now for Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! 2 that premier in less than 10 hours...
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Random music video.

Just because I like the song.

[MENTION=121613]dawnotaku[/MENTION]; Finally started playing Glass Heart Princess lol, here's an ss from the game
, that reaction of hers reminds me when [MENTION=121120]Valefors[/MENTION]; annoys imouto xD I love caring characters, their reactions are usually super cute<3
/me enjoys his day off...

..... Or I would if I didn't have this shit ton of paperwork to do :dead:
/me appears for a unknown time again... Hi people...:runhappy:

Edit: /me helps a bit with Unown-kun's problem...

...Problem solved...:lmao:
Any new resolutions to share proudly? :kurochan_thumb:

Hmmmmmmm...I don't buy cheese often, only in slices :miku_leek:

You're my onii-chan! You sure have to accompany me on such dangerous long journey! :lapi_sweat:

I'll build a large underground basement then :nyanmusu_cheer:
...Sodium intake is truly high :nyanmusu_despair:
My dear student you shouldn't try that :nekopara_staaare:

None at all :miku_tehee:

Cheese is nice though... depending what youre making... not very healthy though :alice_dead:

There are some things that you have to learn on your own :alice_blink:

Better start working on it quick or you might not finish before it starts raining :kurochan_thumb:

/me confiscates salt shaker :nyanmusu_puzzled:

Why not? :nekopara_sleep:
yeah, i definitely know what you mean. i get why you like indie games then. people always want a sequel to something, even when there shouldn't be. a good example is konami. metal gear solid was a good series under kojima's supervision, but konami fired him, and after they did, they started developing a zombie version just because zombies are so popular, and they even had the audacity to start making metal gear solid themed pachinko machines. of course there are always exceptions to greedy developers, but even if the developer doesn't start selling out his product, the company will. and half the time, games are forced to be released before the team is ready, so a buggy, incomplete copy is sent out.

Zombie + stealth sounds interesting and it might not be that bad if you think of it as only a spin-off, but I think the blatant attempt to sell something utterly irrelevant by attaching the Metal Gear name on it, is what makes people hate it. Mainstream games isn't bad because if it's bad it wouldn't become mainstream, but the forceful way of making one is what ruined many great series I once love. =\ Indies on the other hand might not have stunning visuals that attract customers, but the designers aren't bound by sales expectation. I always love some of their otherworldly ideas.
Zombie + stealth sounds interesting and it might not be that bad if you think of it as only a spin-off, but I think the blatant attempt to sell something utterly irrelevant by attaching the Metal Gear name on it, is what makes people hate it. Mainstream games isn't bad because if it's bad it wouldn't become mainstream, but the forceful way of making one is what ruined many great series I once love. =\ Indies on the other hand might not have stunning visuals that attract customers, but the designers aren't bound by sales expectation. I always love some of their otherworldly ideas.

well the reason people like the metal gear series is because of the stealth and interesting story, but the last time konami made their own metal gear game, it was a simple hack and slash game. like you said, the reason behind it is purely monetary. they don't care about their fans. mainstream games are usually good the first or second game released, but after that, they see that people liked it, so it just gets released again with a new skin. just look at Call of Duty, and Battlefield. and sometimes it is the customers fault. for example, The Last of Us was a game with a great story. it had a morally questionable ending, but it was a perfect way to end. now, since people wanted it to continue, Naughty Dog is making a sequel, and it wasn't meant to. i just get worried with things like that. what are some of the game series' that they ruined? one of mine was Diablo.
Well, this is like at Shounen Jump-anime series e.g. at Dragon Ball: Till DB Z was perfect; and DB GT was medicore - but after that was/are over-milked. These spin-offs killing the masterpiece just, and this pisses me very off. The same like at Yugioh! and so further...>_>

Edit: Evening people!
/me pats Infa's shoulder and lets him notice that at Shin's mention-tag the "s" missing...xD
/me comes in draggin his feet behind him and says in deep, sickly voice.
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