So soon :O
On your birthday, how sweet!!
It's good! People judge me too much for waiting so long to play it though lol.
No internet takes getting used to. It's not too bad though
It was a nice surprise!! I was just going into the store to get new glasses, and he said that I have a lot of personality, and he wants me to be one of his salesman.
I'm really happy for you though. Marriage seems like something you may have been looking forward to for a while.
Sooner the better!!<3
Yeah...this was my dream when I was a kid actually LOL, I guess I've been a good girl

You were going to buy new glasses and he said you have a lot of personality?
Thank youuuu<3 Yes, I always wanted to make my own family :)
By the way I finished persona yesterday, seriously I think my money was worth it, though I was kinda sad that they changed Igor's voice :v