[LPW #16] One year for Anime-Sharing

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@King - was referring to blue. I guess i scared him away D:.

Merry christmas to you too, schizo.

Feels like old members coming back. *sheds manly tears*
xD Indeed Kou, old members seems to be doing the lurking nowadays aren't it? xD

Merry Christmas schizofreak, I hope you have a great upcoming year in 2012! :3

Lol you scared Blue away xD
[MENTION=39]Kou[/MENTION]- Why would you scare me? <_<

Merry X-Mas to you too Schizo. :P
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I want to have checkmate's money tree

Thank you Tenshi, I'll take be sure to keep it in my computer :3

Time for King to go, have a great Christmas once again and see you guys whenever! :3
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I seriously hate it when my play schedule gets disrupted...
Damn, now its gonna take all week to clear nauts
huuh... im going on vacation to Africa in about 2 weeks... xD
[22:49] <&Ignis-> idk
[22:49] <&Ignis-> her first (or was it second) H-scene made me feel like a rapist
[22:50] <&Ignis-> 'sides, I don't really fancy her hairstyle
[22:50] <[MENTION=5413]Wintereise[/MENTION]> But you are a rapist.
[22:50] <[MENTION=5413]Wintereise[/MENTION]> ( `ー´)
[22:50] <+K0u> ^
[22:50] <&Ignis-> I'd like to try being one
[22:51] <&Ignis-> ( ゚∀゚)アハハ八八ノヽノヽノヽノ \ / \/ \
Wrong thread~

But anycase, last week of holidays... And the schedule aint kind for my vn and stupid school work.
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