[LPW #164] Coffeeeee!!!!

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Cousin took the kittehs back =/

Getting them here from broadway would be a pain =w=
I wonder me, if this a GIMP-ing is with your cat, Franky...
It's really easy. I recommend using Vortex from NexusMods, it can do everything with a few clicks. But most mods can be installed by extracting the archive to the data folder, some a bit more complicated. The reason I recommend Votex is it's easy to install, make sure it's enabled and it can sort your mods into the right load order.

Vortex didn't work so I downloaded Nexus Mod Manager and some couple mods for clothes but how do they appear in game? can't see them...
No I didn't make it myself. The grumpy cat is everywhere. Let the grumpy flow through you. =\
Vortex didn't work so I downloaded Nexus Mod Manager and some couple mods for clothes but how do they appear in game? can't see them...
Vortex should work as long as your game path is setup correctly. NMM stopped working correctly for me a long time ago.
If they're installed correctly, and enabled. Then you probably have to craft them at a chemistry station. At least, that's how the clothing mods I have work.
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