[LPW #172] 'Insert Something Here?'

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You may have noticed I haven't posted in a while. I'm barely getting back to life.

Last Friday I had a rather brutal accident in the kitchen. I tripped, flew forward, and slammed my face into the refrigerator at full force, and then fell badly on one knee.

My face was split wide open suffering a nasty concussion. my knee was bruised so bad I need to use a walker.

For days I've sat in my chair being a TV zombie. Couldn't use a computer because my sight was blurry from the concussion.

But the eyesight is clearing, and I'm slowly coming back to life. Slowly getting better.

Ironically, if not for the COVID lockdown, I would have been out playing Magic, and never had the accident. Wonder of I can get Govt. benefits by calling it A COVID related incident?

It was a freak accident. I was watching TV. During a commercial I went to the kitchen sink to rinse my hands, then I started toward the fridge to get a drink. As I stepped away, my slipper got snagged by a cabinet door, my foot was yanked back, and I slammed face first, full force into the refrigerator door, Landed awkwardly on my knee.

21 stitches to my forehead, It was a bloody mess.

No way to predict such a crazy chain of events. I'm just happy to be alive. :wasclose:
Thanks, Lucy! :akazukin_love:

No way to plan for something weird like that.
In online Magic, I'd essentially be starting over, Free to play, but pay for the really good cards I'd need.
Sadly, they don't. That's how MTGO and Magic Arena make money.

My #1 (paper) deck has about $400 worth of cards. No way I'm buying virtual cards to rebuild it online. :alice_shock:
Hmm... it also keeps the same people with everything from dominating both online and off
/me slaps frank with a whale =/

LPW is last post wins =/ Dont listen to that evil frank person =/
[MENTION=35259]Leggy[/MENTION]; did you watch the draft?
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ChoomMoka wrote on Shine's profile.
https://gamerch.com/biim/714171 Do u happen to have the game from this blog? thx in advance
GhostHD wrote on wretchedegg's profile.
Hi, did you maybe have some work of these creators:

- bttファンクラブ
- skb
- Kiramekuhoshi / 煌めく星

mostly from btt would be my interest.

Agent_Smith wrote on biohrd's profile.
link dead