[LPW #19] Raaaaaaaaaaaainbow Dash.

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She's the only reason i play the game. lol
Don't judge me. ;_;
Stop looking at me with those eyes. ;_;
She makes me play that damn game when i could be doing other stuff. ;_;
Stop it. ;_;
And stop acting all high and mighty with that tea. ;_;

Also, do you still play umvc3?

I wouldn't say playing since the game is still inside the gameshop bag. o_O
LoL (google trnaslated that)

And LOL. I was going to ask if you connected your ps3 online so we could play it. Guess not. xd
Lol that ain't the first game that is still in his original package. I have several others too. D:

Just no time to play at all.

Anyway, im off to work~
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The mark of a mature man is a certain scar he bears: the memory of a perfect woman never won, or of a once-true love forever lost. However much he may love you, he is only here because she is not.
Think I caught a cold, could be slow after effects from that stupid day......
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