[LPW #19] Raaaaaaaaaaaainbow Dash.

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*seize sammy's collar* don't run.

hmm i want to get rich fast and easily. do you know some way?
sounds dangerous. ·_·

i wanna start money counterfeiting business. wanna join force? =)
Lol that someone might be me? xD
Hmm nah counterfeiting seems quite dangerous too :3 At least the guy in the shadow has power to manipulate stuff xD
or we can just type in the infinite money cheat code sammy

*press enter*

*type "show me the money"*

*press enter*
Yeah I do Zerg and I six Pooled everyone in SC2.... and I lost LOL

Infinite money? just cut some grass, go into some random people house and break their vases, there's usually some money coming out of them... but if the house is looked old and castle-like you probably want to go for the candle and chandelier...
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