I was playing a game. >_>
corocoro I Am Admin, Hear Me Roar! Admin Oct 16, 2010 120,462 46,418 Nov 26, 2010 #2,001 I was playing a game. >_>
corocoro I Am Admin, Hear Me Roar! Admin Oct 16, 2010 120,462 46,418 Nov 26, 2010 #2,002 And time to close this... For those to lazy to go back a page or who don't see the numbers at the top right of each post - Master Spammer kingarturia came back from hibernation to snatch away the victory from Imoucon AntiClimax and Ninja Spammer Kou.
And time to close this... For those to lazy to go back a page or who don't see the numbers at the top right of each post - Master Spammer kingarturia came back from hibernation to snatch away the victory from Imoucon AntiClimax and Ninja Spammer Kou.