[LPW #20] Oniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiisaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan!!!!

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Even though, I don't think I'll be able to sleep like later tomorrow. o.O
Maa, im used to this lifestyle for quite some time already which cause me to be nicknamed the "zombie" lol
Ayumu!!!! Do you cross-dress as well Kami-sama? xD Where's your Mystletainn?? xD
I never do that. If anyone would try to drag me into that, I'll kill him right away and make his existance fade away.
Maa, King have a lot of friends :3 They're all very nice to King you see :3

Is nice to have a lot of friends xD
Your not the only one with lots of friends.
Remember that I created it.
Well, what you created prefer to be with me by their free will...and they prefer to help me by their free will...
Should the Omnibenevolent Kami-sama to do such a thing just to win against King? If so, King is deeply disappointed...
Nah, just to recreated humanity so that "stupidity" cease to exist.
Wait, re-creation of the world... hmm... that might not be a bad idea.

Anyway, here is the cast for Little Busters:

Natsume Rin: Tamiyasu Tomoe
Natsume Kyosuke: Midorikawa Hikaru
Inohara Masato: Canna Nobutoshi
Miyazawa Kengo: Oda Yusei
Kamikita Komari: Yanase Natsumi
Saigusa Haruka: Suzuki Keiko
Nomi Kudrjavka: Wakabayashi Naomi
Kurugaya Yuiko: Tanaka Ryoko
Nishizono Mio: Kawaragi Shiho

Seiyu for the prota hasn't been revealed yet.

Go to go now.

Jaa ne~
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