[LPW 21] 見ているのですか, アーサー王, 夢のつづきを?

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No idea where Checku-sama lives, but I'll be sure to make a note to visit you in Canada if at all possible in the future! Then you really have to give me some cookies!
Hi King. Help me think of an idea for a signature? Doesn't have to be anything in specific, just a theme.
Well, is coming up to summer so why not a good nice weather blue background/summer themed siggy? I would like to see more summer related themes ;)
Hmm i dont force chains on anyone :goodtea: They just get themselves tangled~
Summer summer summer... sighs all the work to rush T.T
The concept is different but the end result is similar~ Except they willingly accepted it at first :evillaugh:
Is it possible to request a name change here? Or is Checkmate & friends against it? lol
I dont think they would be against it :/ Some people mistype their name when they start and get name changes so probably not...
hmmm i see that's teruteru is quitting VN...
well it's your choices! g'bye teruteru... have fun in your new life :bye:
^ You read the backlog from yesterday?

At least for now, yes. No more playing for me.
hmm what terumi quits? shame

stupid finals week, im going to diiiiee
Shame on me yes, but I really cant take all that stuff anymore.

Break, at least for now.
[MENTION=10115]kactaplb[/MENTION] have you wrote your wills? can i have your heritances?
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