[LPW 21] 見ているのですか, アーサー王, 夢のつづきを?

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To see something burning, indicates that you are experiencing some intense emotions and/or passionate sexual feelings. There is some situation or issue that you can no longer avoid and ignore. Alternatively, it may suggests that you need to take time off for yourself and relax. Consider also how you may be feeling "burned out" or "burned up".

So this means... Either I.. Or I'm stressed out? .. Hm.
Not exactly. It has to do with dreams.

I saw a burning pizza (yes, burning pizza lol) in my dream last night.
Hmm im usually in some kind of game like situation :3 Quite fun usually~ Unless im being chased by something or somewhere creepy... thats less fun but usually turns out decent in the end~
I rarely dream about something normal. Most of them are like an action movie or an horror like movie. Don't ask me why lol
I dont remembering ever having a normal dream xD (not that i never have one i think... but that i never remember it which basically means i have no idea if i ever had one or not D: )
People usually dont remember normal events :/ I dont think... Its the odd ones that stand out xD
We might not remember, but at one point or the other, we always have this "deja vu" moment.
I had a dream where I was being chased by a man with a gun.

He found where I hid and I pleaded "No! I will do whatever you wa-!" and then I was shot in the head. As I woke up, I felt the blood dripping and the kickback from the shot in the head.
Hmm have tons of dejavu moments like when i went to malaysia on a trip o.o had about 3 deja vu moments :/
I dont particularly consider the dejavu moments normal xD (hmm maybe haruhi trapped us all in some life long loop xD)
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